Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Monday, 7 December 2009
Some promotion...
I think a lot of people looking at this blog are certainly interested in Wolves, so I guess one of my recent works could be interesting for you:

7 months update for Wahya ;)

Wahya is our first Saarloos wolfhound and the day we got her, a wish of many years came true.
We have been breeding Golden Retrievers and Labradors for many years and have owned Irish wolfhounds for many years as well, but Wahya is quite different from any of the dogs we have had through the years.
From day one when she entered our house and our dog family, we knew she was very special.
She walked around in the house, like she had lived here all her life. She greeted our leader Easy with a little kiss and walked on to meet the other dogs. The first evening she entered our bed and placed herself between me and Lars for the night.
Tacy one of the Golden Retrievers became her aunt and teacher. Among other things she taught Wahya how to climb the stairs to our bedroom. Tacy took a few steps and waited for Wahya, then she took a few steps more and waited and as Wahya followed, they reached the top of the staircase. Then Wahya ran all the way down the stairs and up again like she was saying “look I can do it myself!”

She is very observant. She looks and learns and she only needs to see something one time to know how it is done. She is able to open our dustbins. They have an electronic opener and you need to lead your hand across the sensor and then it opens. Wahya saw me doing this one time, and then she put her nose on the sensor and the dustbin opened.

A German Sheppard is in fact one of the most easy dogs to train. They love to obey their trainer, and they love to do the same exercise over and over again.
It is fairly easy to teach a German Sheppard how not to bite in furniture, other dogs, walls, beds and clothes.

She loves her walks with the other dogs in our big field, and she is a very skilled mouse catcher.
She is the most charming dog, we have ever seen. It is impossible to get mad at her, because she know exactly how to turn on the charm, and make us laugh. She seems to have a way of looking into your soul, when you talk to her. She looks firmly into your eyes and talks loudly with a deep growl or a high pitched tone. She is very special to us.
We DO love her very much."
Lars and Merete

Friday, 27 November 2009
Reinstate Federal Protections for Northern Rockies Wolves
Please sign this petition!
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
6 moths update part IV

When the First Brown male was born, i had an immediate connexion with him. I already said when there is a brown male in this litter, I want a pup.
And there was Roffe, he is a great dog. He is curious but has a strong character. When the pups were little he was the quiet one of the gang. He was always sleeping a lot when we visited the pups. Now he is a real strong-minded pup, he likes to do things his way. And if it is not going the way he wants, he don’t want to do it. He reminds me a lot of Thunga (his grandmother), she has the same strong-minded character. You see a lot of things coming back when you look at Roffe.
We go to the dog school with him and he is doing very well over there, there is also an other saarloospup in the school, Elanka, She is his best friend and they really like each other very much.
His best friend at home is Inca, they can really play like mad dogs and they are both loving it. Kamatz doesn’t like to play, he is really lazy and he is a little grumpy when Roffe wants to play with him, but Roffe don’t care, he tries every time again.
Then we have his grandmother, Thunga, and he can play with here, but he also has a lot of respect for her. They look quite simular and now Roffe Is getting bigger it’s sometimes very difficult to see if it’s him or Thunga. And that is sometimes quite funny.
And then there is Asco, he is a hovawart and he is the big boss in here. So Roffe really has a lot of respect for him. But he can do a lot with Asco, pull his ears, his tail, stand on top of him, it is all ok. But when Asco says enough, he stops immediately.
He is a really great pup and we really love him very much. He still has a lot of things to learn and I’ve noticed that he is getting a little bit more reserved in some situations, but that’s quite normal on this age of course.
His biggest hobby is eating. I think that it was already from the day he was born. He really loves food a lot. We are really happy to have him in our pack.
Bigg hugs from Katrien en Peter and of course the other pack members; Thunga, Asco, Kamatz, Inca and last but not least, Roffe
Sunday, 25 October 2009
6 months update part III

Well, she isn't actually that little anymore, but the youngest one is always considred the little one I guess.
She is truly our dreamdog's incarnation - her temper is exactly the mixture between a wild beast and a sweet and lovely pet you would expect from a young Saarlooswolfhond.
Being in contact with all the owners of her siblings I can say, that she is quite the same in her whole behaviour. She is very playful and cheeky and really has a mind of her own. However, compared to her mother, she loves to play with us and wants to involve us in any of her rampages and malpratices. Skadi always acted more discreetly when commiting her crimes. Nevertheless Tova is very obedient most of the time, at least in comparison to her adult pack members at that young age ;) The bond between us and her is so unbelievable strong...

During the last few weeks we had different totally strange people in our house - one time two very nice women from the swedish Kennel Club who did a regular Kennel inspection (which was btw. without any negative annotation) and another time a chimney sweeper.
While the two SKK-ladies were not of a threatening appearance, the sweep looked quite suspicious with his black clothes and face and all his weird and loud tools.
At least Skadi seemed to have this opinion and met the workman with a healthy wariness. Tova on the other hand overwhelmed him with the same wild and curious fondness as any other visitor. His pursuit to clean our chimney was simply to exciting...
It seems we were successful with our socialisation.
Unfortunately we still have serious problems between our two adult bitches, Tova however loves both of them and shows the pronounced and varying social behaviour of a sane wolfdog-temper.

Saturday, 24 October 2009
Friday, 23 October 2009
The "pups" are 6 months now
To celebrate this, we will post a short text about every one of the litter written by the pups owners.
Let's start with Tjalve:
Tjalve 6 months!
Since the day he was born I fell in love with this small brown new life!
Kiowa, Tjalve’s dad was my first Saarlooswolfdog and I always had the dream to welcome his son one day…
Of course I felt really proud when the pups were born. All of them beautiful pups with their own character and temperament.
Kiowa and Skadi had become a wonderful couple together and now they have their offspring.
Tjalve was from the beginning a very curious and open-minded pup with a strong character.
He likes to do things “his” way ;-)
From the first day her in Holland he saw his dad as his big idol
His auntie Kaoni as his best friend
His uncle Timber as his big teddy bear
Together a pack of four in nice harmony!
Well, back to Mr. Tjalve himself…
During my daily work ( Grooming Studio) Tjalve is my best assistant.
He likes it a lot and this way he gets to know a lot of different dog breeds. He likes them all, big or small…
Except for one old English Bulldog…In Tjalve’s mind this dog makes strange noises and has a funny face ;-)
Of course we go for nice walks in the forest…into town…the beach…
At the beach we mostly walk with other Saarlooswolfdogs, a lot of fun for dogs and humans with afterwards all together at a nice beach-restaurant.
Today Tjalve weighs 24,5 kg and with his longer hair a very handsome young fellow ;-)
He still is very curious about everything and everybody, still open-minded but with a healthy doses of reservation.
He is the clown of the family and makes a lot of people laugh. When he wants he can be very cuddly too.
He also thinks of himself as the tough guy and knows all about the world already.
Lately he is trying to be a bit dominant over his dad, but of course dad laughs about him, or ignores him, or punishes him (the Saarloos way). It all depends on the way Tjalve has mis-behaved.
Well, Tjalve is just a healthy young male with nice puppy behaviour…
Everybody who lives with a Saaorloos will know what I mean ;-)
Now at the age of 6 months he still is my little red Viking who makes me laugh all the time…
To be continued…
Marleen and Tjalve
Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Martina - We are grateful that we became acquainted with you and even if we did not spend as much time with you as we wished to we wouldn't hesitate to call you a real friend!
It is for people like you, that I wish there may be an afterlife - May you rest in peaceful pleasure - reunited with Tilla, Clyde and Ayasha!
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
The long awaited update!

First of all I had to get my buisness running again after dedicating all my time to the dogs under the first months of this year. So I was working a lot and used the computer/internet for this purpose almost exclusively. Furthermore the weather was great and I prefered to spend some more time outdoors.

Fortunately Skadi and Isa have a very deep and special connection which couldn't be destroyed by one single occasion like this. However it shows that something was going wrong and that some work is needed to put their relationship and with it the order of our pack back on the track.
A lot of motion is always a helpful first step, so we spent very much time into the forest these days!
Now the pack is at peace again and there are no visible tensions between the two adults, however we have become very careful now.
Little Tova isn't that little anymore - actually she is already quite big and heavy. She has about 22 kg and it wont take very long until she is as big as her mother.
Her set of teeth is almost completely changed at this point.

She loves her mother and auntie Isa very much, however she is occasionally still a bit to wild for them.

Thursday, 13 August 2009
Wahya in a good shape again...
Monday, 10 August 2009
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Arn visiting his birthplace

They had a wonderful time in the midst of a wolf-territory (yes, they even heard them howl!), but only one week in Sweden is always to short...
So the last bigger stop in Sweden was a certain highlight for the dogs again - Arn enjoyed being on known territory, playing with his sister and his fellow Kaya... The videos show how much fun they had:
But also Skadi was involved in this rampage around our house - no matter if with her offspring or youngster Kaya - she was behaving almost like a pup herself.

And now he stands at the same place, in the same pose but a lot bigger - strange and beautiful feeling!

Thursday, 6 August 2009
Update on Wahya

She is very hungry now and devours between 1 and 1 1/2kg daily!
Wahya is very active again and plays a lot with her Retriever-friends.
The picture above shows her sleeping in the office of her owner and was taken yesterday.
We are pretty eased to know that she is fine again!
Monday, 3 August 2009
In the footsteps of his parents - Tjalve the digger
Tova's first night away from home... Camping in Värmland

Arn visiting Sweden

I will probably go up to Värmland again this week and take only Tova with me. Then there will be more pics!
Arn has become a very,very nice dog - my breeder's heart is full of pride I must admit. He looks great and has a wonderful character as well. A very charming and open dog that everyone has to fall in love with immediately!

Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
New pictures of Tova
Back to the Beach
But here are some fotos which show how much fun it must have been:

Here can you find more pictures of this trip: Back to the Beach