Since yesterday, some minutes after 6 o'clock in the evening, we know it for sure - Skadi is pregnant! After some very long minutes without finding any puppies on the ultra-sound screen at all, disappointment was close... But then, finally the first pup was visible and we could breathe again! After looking a bit longer and closer there was a second, then a third and finally a fourth one appearing on the screen and we could start to calm down.Looking at these small beating hearts was kind of overwhelming!!! As ultra sound isn't that accurate when it comes to the exact number of puppies, we only know that it will be at least four - maybe even more. But the vet told us not to expect a big litter at all. Actually I like the thought of a smaller litter - easier for the dog, easier for us ;) This means that the first swedish puppies ever are expected to be born around the 21/22 of april.
If you are from Sweden and looking for information about the SWH in your own language, then your waiting will soon have an end. There are some minor changes still to be done, but I think we will be able to make open to the public very soon. The website will include information about Saarlooswolfdog related topics like: The breeds standard, history, mentality, socialisation, breeding, FAQ, a gallery, a really extensive linklist and even a test for you who may think about getting a wolfdog yourself. This means that right from the start this site will provide you with all basic facts and informations about this breed, without making the site a kind of advertisement! One of our main-goals is to give honest information to potential owners and we will have a close look also on the troubles that may occur with such special dogs - from inherited diseases to behavioral problems - and we also want to give hints to solutions on that matters. Over time we will even try to enhance the amount of information presented, for example we want to go more in detail about the inherited diseases found in this breed. As long as only the start-page is available, please use the link to our SWH-Nord blog!
We will inform you as soon as the website is finally launched!