Another nice walk at the beach we missed... Tjalve and Roffe, Daddy Kiowa and Grandma Thunga - a real family excursion. Furthermore they were joined by a half-sister of Thunga called Ciranoush and of course some human killjoys ;) But here are some fotos which show how much fun it must have been:
Wahya feels much better now (and so we do to!). She has begun to eat again and to play with the other dogs. She doesn't vomit anymore and is becoming stronger every hour. She also bites into furniture, fingers and leashes - so she is finally herself again!
Thanks to you all for crossing your fingers, saying prayers or casting spells - it seems it helped!
We just got a new message from Danmark that Wahya could leave the hospital! She is still sick but there is a clear betterment and her treatment will continue in her familiar surrounding. She was very happy to come home and glad to meet the other dogs again - a pretty good sign. Let's hope and keep the fingers crossed that she will recover soon!
These news are unfortunately very up to date and of the worst kind I can imagine. Our sweet little Wahya is currently in a hospital. We do not know that much about her condition today, the last days it was quite critical. She did not eat since monday and lost some weight. The examinations showed high liver values and a bad intestinal virus infection. Since we know about this situation we are of course very worried and afraid - our thoughts are with her and her owners Lars and Merete in Denmark!!! If you, dear readers, believe in any god or divine intervention, please say a prayer or light a candle for her tonight!
This news is not really up to date, it was already the 19. July he was at a little CAC show in Lokeren. He did it very nice and the judge had only good comments for him! Well done! Here some pictures:
After few days of silence some news from our little Tova. She is doing really well - a sometimes wild and sometimes calm, friendly and cuddly pup, not anxious but in strange situation a bit reserved - that's how we like our Saarlooswolfhond!
As we live in a quite unpopulated and calm area, we have to go a bit by car to show Tova the big world out there - something we regularly do to make her familiar with all the weird things going on in the city! From time to time she is a little skeptic but also very curious. She don't needs much time to adapt to new situations and she is never panicked, so far she show a very stable temper. One thing that still is a big problem for Tova is to go by car - she is vomiting everytime - it seems that she - as the only pup of the whole litter - comes after her mom in this regard. Skadi still hates to go by car with her 5 years of age.
Today we got some new pictures of our little Wahya - she isn't that little any longer as you can see. We are glad to see how great she developed and what an obviously happy life she has in Danmark! Together with her companion Tasy, she spends every day in the Barf-clinic of Lars and Merete where she meets lots of dogs and humans - something she really likes. No matter if puppies or adult dogs and even people - she loves them all! Just look at this curious and happy little dog at a walk with her owner at Rungsted haven north of Copenhagen - Beautiful!
Today it is time for some new pictures of our pack - or at least of our youngest member Tova. She is almost 12 weeks old now, stands 43 cm high at the shoulder and had a weight of 11,5 kg at the last measurement with 11 weeks. We are enjoying the summer now - the weather is quite passable at the moment - it is not hot, some rain and some sun. The first wild fruits are ripe, you can find wood strawberries... ...blueberries and even some mushrooms - in deed I had my first chanterelles yesterday for lunch. This weather is of course perfect for nice walks in the woods - Tova loves it and I guess every little dogs would like to grow up in a surrounding like that:
Some pictures of Roffe with his new girfriend Elanka Shenadoah. She was born just 5 days after Roffe in the german Kennel Terra-Loupa and is also living in Belgium now: op bezoek bij Roffe - here you can find some more pictures of Roffe, his pack and his girlfriend!
If you are interested in my norse artworks and handcrafts, then you can check out the following links - so if your are only interested in dogs, just ignore them!
Norse and Viking Leather Art, Bone Jewelry and Drinking Horns by Wodenswolf:
There is a nice thread on the Wolfhonden Online forum with pictures from a walk in Belgium - among others, you can see some new pictures of Roffe and Tjalve there: Also note the gorgeous photos of their grandmother Thunga!