Some words about Skadi - As you probably know, at least if you followed this blog since her pregnancy, she was digging all the time in the weeks before whelping and there was one special place under our doorway that she liked most. Well, her attempts to burrow herself down into this hole hasn't ceased at all after getting the pups and today she finally made it. Just to become stuck there... I guess she speculated that we would finally understand, that this is the best place to nurture her offspring and that we would be so nice to bring them to her... But we are not and she is in her whelping box again - doing her job!
Alfa 1

Weight in the evening: 849g
Alfa 2

Weight in the evening: 920g
Alfa 3

Weight in the evening: 747g
Alfa 4

Weight in the evening: 818g
Alfa 5

Weight in the evening: 726g