Wednesday, 22 April 2009

64th day Part 1

Nobody who knows Skadi will be suprised - we are still waiting!
We have a night behind us that was characterized by impatience, tension and little or at least bad sleep.
The temperature was still dropping further to 36,6°C and first started to increase again this morning. So now, finally, the real countdown has begun and within the next 24 hours we should see the appearance of a handful of new lives...

Some more words about the last night.
Skadi was restless but took her first yesterday's food in the late evening. Then, around 11 o'clock everyone (except for me...) went to sleep.
I stayed awake to have an eye on Skadi who did not really know what to do and where to go.
There was an obviously calming effect when I lay by her side, petting her until she fall asleep, too. But from now on it was not possible to leave her alone - I had to stay by her side and was not allowed to stop petting her.
In the end, I was lying with Skadi in the whelping box until 4 o'clock in the morning when my shift was done and my wife took over...
Even if this may sound kind of uncomfortable or stressful - there was one point making it a pleasure for me. Skadi has so often been at our side when we needed her closeness, made us happy when we were sad or calming us down when we were angry. But she herself is usually far to independent to need someone else. This was a possibility for us to give something back, because last night she really needed our attention and presence! To fell how she was calming down when I lay my hands on her belly was simply wonderful!

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