What a day this was, the puppies may think and if you look at the individual pictures of the small terrorists, you will see them in a quite unusual condition - in a deep slumber while being placed on the armchair for taking the fotos.
Let's tell me something about our eventful day.
First of all it may be interesting to tell that we have a visitor again, a good friend of us who will help a bit with the socialistaion and who will stay till next week.

Today we had two dates at the veterinary - one for ID-chipping and DNA-testing of the pups and another one for an eye examination of Wahya (about which I will tell tomorrow).
This meant a one hour trip by car to the next bigger city Jönköping, all along poor swedish country roads - really perfect for car sick little Saarloos.
Our friend, joining the pups on the back seat, was clad in water proof rain clothes - a precaution which panned out after the extreme reaction of our small dogs - all of them were puking and driveling, Wahya even took a dump (on Tova and Tjalve btw.) - so it was a nasty trip!
At least it seemed that a kind of acclimatisation occured and they learned that sleeping is an option to avoid the worst.
At the vet they were very calm, still paralysed by the car ride, but not anxious at all.
Next week we will return to the vet for an inspection and a first vaccination. The reason why we chose to already to go there today was simply the obligation of the DNA-testing of Skadi and all the puppies. Probably you don't know it, but in Sweden it is an obligation to do this for SWHs, it is a rule of the Swedish Kennel Club - we still hope that we can get the pedigrees in the right time.
So of course for this sake we also had to do the Id-marking today.
The way back was much more relaxed with only two of them vomiting (Roffe and Wahya, again)
but after the arrival it was pretty clear that they would have to learn one more unpleasant procedure - taking a shower. But it also worked out very fine and after maybe one hour of sleep, they are awake again - let the rampage go on! Check out this video taken before today's supper:
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