Tuesday 14 April 2009

56th day

So, now we have the 56th day which means the puppies are viable now - so, more or less ready to be born. This means that we slowly enter the hot phase - in one week the first swedish puppies should already be born!
So far it seems that we have some time left, Skadi will take her time.
Her temperature today was 37,4°C in the morning and 37,6°C in the evening, so pretty the same measures as the days before.
Since today Skadi also gets Pulsatilla (homeopathic remedy to support the last days of pregnancy - we gave it once a day to her since the 50th day) two times a day.
She was a bit less hungry today - but still hungry enough ;)

If I look at this chubby belly, I'm not sure if there aren't really more than 4 pups inside...

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