Thursday 23 April 2009

The first swedish litter is born!

Sorry, it took me a while to post this one - we are very happy but even a bit exhausted right now after 2 days awake in a row...
I just want to tell the short facts, more will follow tomorrow as promised!

We got a litter of one grey male, two brown males and two brown females.

1. male grey - 411g
2. male brown - 492g
3. female brown - 373g
4. female brown - 422g
5. male brown - 358g

Skadi and her newborn children are healthy, the mother is sleeping and the pups are drinking - so everything is as it should. Skadi made it really enthralling until the end and the result is more than suprising - no one could expect that she would get so many brown ones!

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