Thursday 16 April 2009

58th day - the calm before the storm

Well, at this point it really feels like the calm before the storm - today we had a very nice lazy day out in the sun. It was a peaceful atmosphere - two ravens circling and playing above our heads in the blue skies, the humming noises of the bumblebees, wild geese came passing by, the throstels, redbreasts and wagtails around us looking for food - the perfect idyll.

As Skadi lay utterly relaxed by my side, I could even see those small lives moving - so far we could only feel them, but now they are getting stronger and they want out soon!
According to the temperature measures of today, they will have to wait some more time - it was 37,4°C in the morning and 37,6°C in the evening. So I am looking forward for just another quiet and lazy day in the springtide...

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